woensdag 17 november 2010

Next GANT Rowing Race: Stockholm May 14th 2011


Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket vs. Lundsbergs skola. A classic rowing regatta gains more muscle.

Rowing has always been a part of these two schools’ trademarks. Lundsberg, for example, with its roots firmly planted in English boarding school tradition, bought its first race boats back in 1899. Any time these two schools meet in a challenge is cause for a celebration. On Saturday, May 14, they’ll go head to head for the 50st time, but this year the race will be presented for the second time, in a brand new packaging. Now, in Stockholm’s Djurgårdsbrunnsviken bay, there’s even more glory and prestige at stake. More fight, muscle and team spirit to cheer for. And behind the entire event and its apparel, stands Gant. Historically, Gant has always drawn its inspiration and gained influences from the old classic Ivy League sports. By celebrating one of the world’s most graceful and classic sports in this way, we are breathing life back into the old traditions.

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